initial consultation
A 20-minute complimentary consultation gives you the chance to connect with me and ask any questions you might have. I want you to make sure I am someone that you feel comfortable working with! The CRPO offers a list of potential questions you might want to ask.
individual therapy session
$140 (50-minute session)
Therapy session structures are adjusted to your ongoing needs and what you would like to work on. Life doesn’t stop as we engage with therapy, so whether we are working on past issues or current, we can always connect the sessions to your overall therapeutic goals.
Registered massage therapy
If you are looking to book in with me for massage therapy, I can be found at RMT Studio and you can book in here.
Please note: due to the complexity of dual therapeutic relationships I do not offer psychotherapy services to massage clients and vice versa. If your main interest in working with me is psychotherapy, please refrain from booking in for an RMT appointment. Thank you!